

Available on backorder

Tepache is a Mexican fermented drink, typically made with pineapple, water, and sugar.

Health Benefits-

  1. Tepache has a high content of vitamin C, it also provides vitamins A, B, and minerals like magnesium.
  2. protects the microbial flora of the colon
  3. helps to fight intestinal parasites contributing to good digestion since it contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps to improve the digestive process.
  4. According to Dr. Rubén Darío Moreno Terrazas Casildo, from the Autonomous Metropolitan University. Tepache also contains tibicos, which revitalize tissue harmed by traumatism and recurrent infections, relieve colitis, urinary infections, and helps with weight loss. 
  5. Contains probiotics for healthy guts.


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